Hebei Tuozhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Name:Hebei Tuozhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Potassium Carbonate
CAS No: 584-08-7
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: Potassium Carbonate I/ II Grade
Post Time: 2011-03-14
Usage: Potassium Carbonate Is Used As Raw Materials In Manufacturing Electro Tube, TV Kinescope, Computer Display, Alcohol, Acetone, Printing Ink, Photograph-Drug, Polyester, Explosives, Electroplating, Tanning, Ceramic, Building Materials, Crystals And etc.It Is Foliar Spray Fertilizer And A Constituent Of Compound Fertilizer.In Dyeing Industry, It Is Used To Produce Vat Dyestuff And Discharge Of Ice Dyeing.It IS ALSO USED IN Dry Powder Extinguisher Mixed With Soda, And Anti-Aging Agent In Rubber Production
Description: Specification: Potassium Carbonate I Grade K2CO3:99.0%Min Chloride(kCl):0.03%Max Sulph(K2SO4):0.04%Max Iron: 0.001%Max Water Insoluble:0.04%Max Loss of burning:0.8%Max Potassium Carbonate II Grade K2CO3:98.5%Min Chloride(kCl):0.1%Max Sulph(K2SO4):0.1%Max Iron: 0.003%Max Water Insoluble:0.05%Max Loss of burning:--------
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