Hebei Tuozhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Name:Hebei Tuozhan Chemicals Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate
CAS No: 7758-99-8
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate 98% Plating/ Feed/ Industry Grade
Post Time: 2011-03-14
Usage: As a material of copper salts in the chemical industry. Used in dyestuffs, as a mordant, pigment, preservative, in medicines, and pesticides.
Description: Specification: Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate 98% Plating Grade Specification: Purity: 98% min Pb: 0.008% Max Fe: 0.05% Max Co:0.001% Max Ca:0.048% Max Ni: 0.05%Max Zn: 0.05% Max As: 0.001Max Hg: 0.1 PPM Max Chloride:0.013% Max PH:3.5-4.5 Water Insoluble: 0.05% Max Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate 98% Feed Grade Specification: Purity: 98% min Cu: 25.06 % max Water insoluble:0.05% max As:0.004% max Pb:0.001% max Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate 98.0% Industry Grade Specification: Purity: 98% min Cu: 24.5% Pb: 20PPM max Fe: 0.1% max Ni: 20PPM max Cd: 10PPM max As: 10PPM max Hg: 0.1 PPM max Water Insoluble: 0.15% Max
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